Conventional wisdom tells us to keep our distance from sick people.
Even when our kids aren't feeling well, we typically try to avoid
catching their flu or cold.
"Air kiss!"
But a new study suggests close contact, namely a hug, may help to prevent people from getting infections.
The Lowdown
The Carnegie Mellon University study, which was published in the
journal "Psychological Science," looked at 404 adults' interpersonal
conflicts and the amount of hugs they received. Then all participants
were exposed to the cold virus—yes, voluntarily!
Believe it or not, researchers found that people who got more hugs became less sick with the infection.
apparent protective effect of hugs may be attributable to the physical
contact itself or to hugging being a behavioral indicator of support and
intimacy. Either way, those who receive more hugs are somewhat more
protected from infection," explained lead researcher Sheldon Cohen in a
press release.
The Upshot
Researchers noted that not only can a hug offer some protection
against infection, but that sick people who have the benefit of an
embrace from a loved one experience less severe symptoms.
So not that you need another excuse to cuddle with your kiddos,
but remember this study the next time your tot begins to sniffle.
Perhaps all he needs is some quality snuggle time with mom! And
conversely, if you hug it out with him, you're boosting your own immune
response to the infection.
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